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Companies That Are Seen Are Companies That Sell

Posted by on Jun 5, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Companies that are seen are companies that sell. If a company is well-known, it does not need to worry about customer loyalty. People will know the business and will visit it. If you are not at this stage yet, you should focus toward achieving it. Visibility is probably one of the best metrics of potential performance that you can invest in improving in, bar none, when you are starting out as a business owner, or you are focused on expanding. People need to know who you are. People need to know what your business is, and where it is. If...

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Sign Boxes are One of the Best Advertising Methods for New Small Businesses

Posted by on May 3, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

There are many facets of starting and running a small business that gurus, mentors, and others will not tell you. Most of the times, these facets are thought to be common sense, so not much detail or guidance is given, and that is understandable. One such facet is advertising. After all, people say, “just advertise, you can’t go wrong.” However, it is not exactly clear what that means. Whole books have been dedicated to “advertising” and more books are being written daily. This by itself means that there is little common sense in advertising....

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Go Green This Year by Installing Awnings and Canopies on Your Store

Posted by on May 3, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Everyone wants to do their part to save the Earth. Not only is it a noble goal, but it is also easier than ever before, due to the vast advances in technology. However, you do not need to invest in costly energy-saving devices to, well, save energy. Sometimes, a low-cost solution can save lots of energy, even if it is not discussed much by environmentalists. One such solution is installing awnings and canopies on your storefront. See, canopies cover storefronts, much of which is glass. Glass does not trap heat well, which means that heat, as...

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LED Letters are Great for Enhancing Your Branding

Posted by on May 3, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

The difference between a good business and a great business can be as simple as a form of signage. There are many companies that are great that do not attain the success of good companies, and others that do. It all depends on your customers and how appealing they find your business. The more appealing they find your business, the more business they will do with you. You can make your business appealing via the usual methods, like a wider inventory, lower prices, and more. However, you can also take steps to make your storefront more...

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Tell Your Story with Pylon Signs

Posted by on Apr 7, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Signage can be tricky if you are unsure how to approach your use of it. Many business owners and operators put too much information on their signage. Other put too little. You need to find a Goldilocks solution that is just right for you, and now you can. Although you should consider the specific intended use of signage for your marketing and advertising goals, do not hesitate to look beyond the details and see the bigger picture of what you can do with a sign. Many business owners and operators use pylon signs for a very specific purpose: to...

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Light up Your Business with Sign Boxes

Posted by on Apr 7, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

There can be a thing as “too much light.” Usually, in business, you’ll want it to brighten and light up its industry as much as possible. There are many good reasons for doing this. People intrinsically trust business with better lighting because they believe that businesses with bad lighting are trying to hide something, like the cleanliness. People also trust brighter businesses because they believe these companies have enough profits to actually lighten their business interior. A company with a strict budget can sometimes unfairly be...

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ReLive a Nostalgic Past with Awnings and Canopies for Your Store

Posted by on Apr 7, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

The past had it going on. We all have fond memories of the past, but memories are usually the only way to access them. After all, even if we had cameras and phones lying around back then, we did not use them all of the time. For the nostalgic business owner and operator, there must be a way to include a feeling of nostalgia in your business, by incorporating the best the past has to offer with the appealing advancements of the present time. At its most basic level, this makes sense as a marketing and advertising strategy, no matter how big or...

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Cost-Conscious Entrepreneurs Will Love LED Letters

Posted by on Mar 13, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Many times throughout their business life, entrepreneurs will have to make decisions that balance the need to improve their business, versus the costs of doing so. Even more trying is the fact that sometimes, the benefits of purchasing a good or a service may not appear for a while. The need to delay such gratification, as well as reduce their immediate budget, which can be used for immediate needs, can be a tricky proposition to agree to. Such decisions require a lot of faith, not just in the business, but in the larger economic market. If a...

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Pylon Signs Aide Customers, At All Times of the Day

Posted by on Mar 13, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

It can be difficult, especially when you are just starting out; to decide upon what type of marketing campaign you should invest in. Many businesses turn to online markets and platforms, believing that, since they can reach more people, they will be more successful. However, the key, especially when just starting out, is to focus on customers who can actually visit your store and keep it in business: your local community.  They will most likely be your first customers, and your oldest customers. The best way to appeal to your local community...

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Sign Boxes Are a Quick and Easy Way to Advertise Your Business

Posted by on Mar 13, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

It seems that every new startup and small business focuses on online engagement and spends too little time engaging their local community. However, engaging your local community can give you things that no amount of global reach can, like immediate trust, a wholesome image, and the ability to connect with shoppers on a personal level. Before you think of expanding globally, you should consider focusing on building a loyal customer base in order to fuel this future expansion for your business. Doing so will help you better understand the needs...

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